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SIXTH FORM COURSE GUIDE 2025 ENTRYBURFORD SCHOOL SIXTH FORM COURSE GUIDE 2025 ENTRY2 BE PART OF THE ACADEMIC SUCCESS Each year our students receive multiple offers from universities, going on to study a variety of courses from Medicine, Music Performance, Modern Languages, Art, and Textiles, to Physics, Computer Science, and Land Management. University destinations include a host of universities in the UK and abroad, Russell Group and Oxbridge. We have also seen a number of students go on to very competitive apprenticeships, including in surveying, accountancy, and engineering at companies such as BMW and JCB. BUILD A PROGRAMME THAT SUITS YOU 24 A-level subjects enable students to select a programme of study to suit individual needs. BENEFIT FROM SMALL CLASSES AND SPECIALIST TEACHERS Individual attention and committed, knowledgeable teaching staff ensure that every member of the Sixth Form fulfils their potential. ACHIEVE YOUR TARGETS Careful, regular tracking of students’ work in Years 12 and 13 ensures successful outcomes. GET THOSE OFFERS Our dedicated Sixth Form team and on- site careers advisor support with college, apprenticeship and university applications, personal statements and interview skills. STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Our More Able programme challenges students intellectually helping them to aim high and achieve more. EXTEND YOUR RANGE OF SKILLS Our Extended Curriculum supplements our core curriculum to provide students with a vital academic edge. We offer a wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities to help students develop new skills and gain hands-on experience in leadership and responsibility. BE PART OF AN EXCITING, CARING COMMUNITY Large enough to challenge – small enough to care; the Sixth Form community of around 300 welcomes students from other UK schools and from abroad creating a dynamic, vibrant group who stay in touch long after leaving Burford. ACCESS THE KNOWLEDGE OF AN EXPERIENCED SIXTH FORM TEAM Students in the Sixth Form are supported by a large team of staff who offer a combination of skills and experience. Advice, encouragement and assistance are always available together with a rich programme of events and guest speakers to extend and motivate students. WHY CHOOSE BURFORD FOR SIXTH FORM?3 OUR COURSES Most students will study three A-level subjects, plus one course from the Extended Curriculum. Art •A-level Art •A-level Photography Business •A-level Business Studies •A-level Economics Computer Science •A-level Computer Science Design Technology •A-level Product Design Drama •A-level Drama & Theatre Studies English •A-level English Language & Literature •A-level English Literature Geography •A-level Geography History •A-level History Mathematics •A-level Mathematics •A-level Further Mathematics Modern Foreign Languages •A-level French •A-level German •A-level Spanish Music •A-level Music Physical Education •A-level Physical Education Politics •A-level Politics Psychology •A-level Psychology Science •A-level Biology •A-level Chemistry •A-level Physics Sociology •A-level Sociology THE EXTENDED CURRICULUM In Year 12 you will be expected to undertake an extension opportunity. We offer a range to suit all interests and future aspirations: •AQA Extended Project Qualification •AS Ancient History •Burford School Leadership in Sport •Introduction to Chinese •Level 3 Core Maths •Preparing to Leave Home •Trinity Arts Gold Level 3 Leadership Award •The Tycoon Enterprise MORE ABLE AND GIFTED We have high expectations for all our students and offer a distinct programme for those identified as More Able and Gifted, which provides additional support and challenge so that you achieve your potential. We offer a range of trips, events and clubs that aim to stretch and promote your intellectual curiosity and open your eyes to the future pathways available to you which correspond with your talents and interests. This includes our More Able group, a discussion group to encourage independent thought on current worldwide issues. We also offer extensive support with Oxbridge applications including mock interviews with specialists to help prepare you for the rigours of any university interviews you may be called for and visits to Oxbridge colleges. We are a recognised exam centre for additional university admissions exams. This covers potential Oxbridge, Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry assessments.4 THE BEST OF EDUCATION We offer an exceptional range of opportunities beyond the curriculum to engage, inspire and challenge you. EXTRA-CURRICULAR We encourage our Sixth Form students to continue to take part in as many extra-curricular opportunities as possible including: music; sport; The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award; and charitable events. ENGAGE AND INSPIRE All our Sixth Form students are expected to commit one hour a week to assisting and supporting Key Stage Three lessons or activities. Not only does this help make you feel part of the wider school community, but enables you to develop key skills such as interpersonal communication, time management and problem-solving that will make you stand out when making future university, apprenticeship or job applications. SUPER-CURRICULAR PROGRAMME We are keen for our students to read around, and demonstrate their passion for, their A-Level subjects. Our Super-Curricular programme is promoted throughout our Sixth Form, with support given so that you engage further with your subjects. LEADERSHIP AND OTHER ROLES OF RESPONSIBILITY All our Sixth Form students have the opportunity to take on varying types of responsibility. This not only helps you grow skills useful for adult life but supports our commitment to responding to students’ voices. These opportunities include: Student Leadership Team, whether as a Student Head of School, Head of House or Prefect; Student Forum; and Charity Committee. PSHE AND CITIZENSHIP PROGRAMME Visitors and speakers are regularly welcomed into the Sixth Form to broaden your understanding of key issues in the wider world as well as other aspects of life you will need to navigate in future. The programme supports a breadth of topics ranging from politics and international relations, personal finance and sexual health to relationships and safe driving. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS The minimum entry requirements for students are two GCSE subjects at Grade 6 and four at Grade 5. In addition, students also need to have secured a Grade 4 GCSE in Mathematics and English Language. Please refer to individual subjects for specific entry requirements.5 HOW DO I DECIDE WHICH SUBJECTS TO CHOOSE? Deciding which subjects to choose can be difficult. Here are some questions you should ask yourself: 1)What do I need to study in order to follow my chosen career? 2)Which subjects do I most enjoy and am likely to be good at? 3)Am I predicted the correct subject specific grades? 4)What do I do, if I need more advice? •Make an appointment to see our Careers Lead or Head of Sixth Form •Talk to subject teachers and current students who will also help your decision making. •Read the subject details in this course guide very carefully (some courses recommend particular GCSE grades).6 APPLICATION JOURNEY SIGN UP TO ATTEND OUR OPEN EVENING Held in November, our Sixth Form Open Evening offers a great opportunity to hear from our Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form and Heads of School; and visit our subject stands, to learn more about what life in Sixth Form at Burford School is like. COME AND VISIT We are always delighted to welcome you to visit the Sixth Form and talk to our team. To arrange a visit on a normal school day, or ask any questions, please contact Sixth Form Admissions at sixthformadmissions@burford.oxon. SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION FORM Our straightforward application form is designed to provide us with all the information we need to consider you as a future Burford Sixth Form student. Applications should be made by mid- January of your Year 11 year. Our Application Form can be found on the Joining in Sixth Form page of our Admissions section on our website: joining-in-sixth-form Please check that you meet our Sixth Form entrance criteria and entry requirements first, which can also be found on this page of the website. ATTEND AN INTERVIEW We hold interviews for all students applying to the Sixth Form and they are designed so that we can gain a better understanding of your anticipated course choices, likely GCSE grades and your career aims. Interviews take place after the application deadline, between January and February. OFFER OF PLACES We offer places to Sixth Form in the spring term. On GCSE results day, students that have been offered a place are required to check that they have achieved grades to follow their chosen courses. The school’s Careers Department, Head of Sixth Form and Deputy Head of Sixth Form will be available at this time for consultation. INDUCTION Induction day activities enable students to get to know each other, provide an insight into the extra-curricular activities and enrichment programme available at Sixth Form, and give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with your new Sixth Form surroundings. NEXT STEPS We hope this information has been useful, but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions at COURSE INFORMATIONNext >