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< Previous9 A BRAND NEW, PRE-UNIVERSITY HOME Our new Sixth Form Centre opened in 2024 with dedicated spaces for students to work, relax and enjoy. Burford’s new purpose-designed home offers a: •pre-university learning experience and careers zone, with wellbeing at the heart •break out spaces for discussion and debate, collaboration and team- work •Sixth Form café open all day •blended areas for café-style work-socialising •a dedicated and newly refurbished Reading Room; a silent work space for Years 12 and 13 Alongside our new Sixth Form facilities, we also opened a new library in spring 2023, which houses many books to support reading for both pleasure and the curriculum, up to and beyond A-Levels. The new Sixth Form Centre is designed to inspire and motivate you and to provide a bridge to university and beyond.11 HEAR FROM OUR STUDENTS Burford Sixth Form students tell us about their experiences at the school and how Burford helps growth alongside and outside of academia: Grace has been at Burford since Year 7 and is currently studying Psychology, Georgraphy, Drama and Extended Project Qualification with hopes of pursuing Psychology into a career “ I decided to attend Burford Sixth Form for many reasons. The opportunities available for you at A-Level are exceptional, as is Year 12 work experience. Outside of my academic studies, I am one of the Year 7 Prefects and one of the Heads of the Reach Council. I also participate in a lot of drama productions, as well as helping out at Open Evenings. OneofmyfavouritethingsaboutBurfordSixthFormisdefinitely thecommunity.IhavemadefriendsforlifeatBurford,and everyoneisgoingthroughthesamethingatA-Level,sothereis alwayssomeoneforyoutotalkto.” Year 13 George, started the school in Year 7 and hopes to train as a detective after reading History at university, following his A-Levels in Music, Mathematics and History. “I decided to study at the Sixth Form here primarily because of the music department. I play the cello and have been in the school orchestra since I joined and love going on the annual music residential. As well as this, I had already been in two of the amazing musicals! My favourite thing about Burford Sixth Form is the sense of community, I have made friends and everyone is nice to one another. Thefriendlinessandrespectshownbytheteachersaswellasthe SixthFormspacesthatmakesuchsocialinteractionspossible.”12 Daniel joined Burford at the start of Year 12 and is studying Economics, Geography and Mathematics. He is also studying an Extended Project Qualification on the Falkland’s War conflict. He hopes to attend university to study International Relations and Economics, to then fulfil his lifetime ambition of becoming a pilot, or pursue new career opportunities uncovered via his studies in the Civil Service or Foreign Commonwealth Office. “For me a change of school after GCSEs was something that felt natural to me, and Burford was the one I felt most at home. The quality of teaching was something well known around the area and as soon as I arrived I could see this immediately. I am currently working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Gold award where I volunteer in Year 7 maths classes and develop my research skills for my EPQ. As a Year 8 Prefect, I deliver assemblies to the students and act a student voice to relay their concerns, wants and needs to those who can act on them. My role as Head of the Charity Committee means I am responsible for organising events to raise money for our voted charity of the year - The Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary. Atanagewhereyouarerapidlydevelopingandgainingmore independence,beingaroundtherightpeoplewhilstalso maintainingyourALevels,iscrucial.IfeelBurfordSixthForm providestherightsettingforagoodbalancebetweenschool andsociallifeandreallypushesyouintowantingtoachievethe highestgradespossible.”13 Helen Haines, Burford’s Career Lead tells us how she supports students: I support students to prepare for their post 18 options, whether that’s going to university, a degree apprenticeship, finding employment or making the decision to take a gap year. There is a range of support, from individual careers advice and guidance appointments, to the use of our online careers platform (Unifrog), from support with CV writing, to helping students make decisions about the right university course, so students can feel empowered to choose positive next steps after Year 13. BurfordSixthFormisaspecialplacewherestudentscancomplete theirpost16options,aspartofastrongcommunitywitha dedicatedteamonhandtohelpeveryoneachievetheirbest.From myperspective,it’sgreattohavecareerseducationasakeyfocus acrossyears12and13,toenablestudentstosuccessfullybridgethe transitionfromschooltohighereducationandemployment. It is great to be able to engage with Sixth Form students at this point in their career journey, and it is highly rewarding to help them to realise their potential, and witness their growth as they prepare for life beyond school. 14 APPLICATION JOURNEY SIGN UP TO ATTEND OUR OPEN EVENING Held in November, our Sixth Form Open Evening is an opportunity to hear from our Head Teacher, Head of Sixth Form and Heads of School. You are also able to visit our subjects stands, and meet students currently studying the subjects in Years 12 and 13, as well as talk to the teaching staff. COME AND VISIT We are always delighted to welcome you to visit the Sixth Form and talk to our team. To arrange a visit on a normal school day, or ask any questions, please contact Sixth Form Admissions at sixthformadmissions@burford. SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION FORM Our straightforward application form is designed to provide us with all the information we need to start the process of you joining Burford Sixth Form, usually made in mid-January of your Year 11. Our Application Form can be found on the Joining in Sixth Form page of our Admissions section on our website: Please check that you meet our Sixth Form entrance criteria and entry requirements first, which can also be found on this page of the website.15 Our Sixth Form team provide guidance and advice for all students, supporting them through the transition from Year 11 into Sixth Form. Mrs C Brown, Head of Sixth Form NEXT STEPS We hope this information has been useful, but please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions at ATTEND AN INTERVIEW We hold interviews for all students applying to the Sixth Form and they are designed so that we can gain a better understanding of your anticipated course choices, likely GCSE grades and your career aims. Interviews take place after the application deadline, between January and February. OFFER OF PLACES We offer places to Sixth Form in the spring term. On GCSE results day, students that have been offered a place are required to check that they have achieved grades to follow their chosen courses. The school’s Careers Department, Head of Sixth Form and Deputy Head of Sixth Form will be available at this time for consultation. INDUCTION Induction day activities enable students to get to know each other, provide an insight into the extra-curricular activities and enrichment programme available at Sixth Form, and give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with your new Sixth Form surroundings.Next >