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1 W elcome to Burford School Sixth Form, a vibrant community of motivated young adults. In a stimulating and supportive environment, our students challenge themselves intellectually, grow as individuals and flourish in the successful future. Mr M Albrighton, Headteacher I am delighted you are considering Burford School for Sixth Form and the next step of your educational journey. Here at Burford School, we are academically ambitious for all our Sixth Form students and we will support you to achieve your potential. You can choose from a wide range of A-Levels to suit your interests and needs, and take advantage of our outstanding careers advice and applications support – whether your preferred pathway is university, an apprenticeship or employment. In keeping with the school’s ethos, we are committed to giving you the best of education and believe academic success goes hand in hand with your enrichment and care. We have an excellent reputation for extra- curricular activities including the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme as well as an exciting enrichment programme. Our Sixth Formers also continue to be active in Burford’s successful sports and performing arts programmes. Our Sixth Form team provide guidance and advice for all students, supporting them through the transition from Year 11 into Sixth Form. The experience of our team ensures that all students have individual guidance provided throughout their two-year journey. Sixth Formers at Burford School enjoy their own distinct Sixth Form Centre, which blends quiet areas for private study, space for collaborative work and a common room to relax and eat lunch. Our aim is that you leave us as an independent, confident and resilient young person who is ready to make the most of life, whatever it throws your way. Mrs C Brown, Head of Sixth Form3 A STRETCHING ACADEMIC OFFER As a large Sixth Form, we are in an excellent position to support you, whatever your future aspirations. Students choose from 24 different subjects, typically studying three A-Levels, with an additional option from our extended curriculum. Our A-Level courses span the breadth of academia offering students all the options and combinations required for their future studies or careers. As a gateway to university or the workplace, we also encourage self- discipline, a curiosity to learn and independent study. Our extended curriculum courses – including the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), Trinity Arts Gold Level 3 Leadership Award, a Sports Leader Award and Core Maths – are designed to stretch all students, while our additional super-curriculum activities, and Reach programme, offer a further challenge for those aspiring to the most academically demanding pathways. Classes are taught by subject specialists, with a focus on skills development and critical thinking. 5 OPPORTUNITY, LEADERSHIP AND ENRICHMENT We will support you to achieve your best possible set of results, whilst also being aware that university admissions teams as well as future employers want to see that you can succeed through challenge and make a positive contribution. The programme will provide a wealth of opportunities for you to discover new passions, develop your talents, take on a leadership role and grow as an individual. Burford is synonymous with Music and The Arts and is once again a Music Mark School for 2024-2025. Clubs and activities form a large part of the school community and Sixth Form can expand their knowledge, grow their conifidence and try the untested in a number of extra-curricular options such as orchestra and Jazz Band, a plethora of sports, Gold Duke of Edinburgh and ski trip. Whether you take a starring role on stage or the sports field, immerse yourself in house competitions and events or shine through your service and community spirit, your Sixth Form experience at Burford School will instil a solid set of life skills, and evidence your character, commitment and collaboration – helping you stand out from the crowd and setting you up to flourish in your life after school. One of the hallmarks of a Burford School education is our extensive extra-curricular and enrichment programme. 7 WELLBEING AT THE HEART Students enjoy strong, trusting relationships with not only their tutors and teaching staff, but also with the Sixth Form support staff. We are proud that our Sixth Form family genuinely care and support one another. We give you more choice over what, where and how to study, and in a supportive environment, respect you to use your new freedoms wisely. Also, in recognition of your seniority within the school, you do not need to wear a uniform, although we expect you to be presentable, smart and to follow our dress code. Of course, with freedom comes responsibility, and we will offer you plenty of guidance on self-regulation and setting sensible limits. We tailor our PHSE curriculum to cover the issues which are important to you, including topics to support your wellbeing and mental health. Our Sixth Form at Burford School is its own special community. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Our Boarding House provides a comfortable and convenient home away from home, if you live further away. Situated in the heart of Burford, on the town’s High Street, in the original school building, the Boarding House has been cleverly redeveloped, offering common rooms, kitchen, gym and garden – all on our doorstep.Next >